Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Chosen Images

Contact Sheet

Here is my contact sheet where I have collected and presented all the photos I took during my photoshoot. In the industry, a contact sheet is a very useful tool as it allows the publisher to compare each photo and decide which one they want to use. As I want my magazine to be to a professional standard, I printed out my contact sheet and used a magnifier to observe the details in each photo. This is something editors and publishers will do when creating real media products, and I now understand why. By having all my photos infront of me, I could see which ones I liked and which really didn't work. As well as this, the magnifier helped me identify problems with an image such as hair in my model's face or a bra strap on show.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Existing Names and Masthead Analysis

Names Ideas

The picture below is a quick mindmap of inital ideas of names I may use for my magazine. I wanted a name to reflect my genre of pop music so I began to think about words which had an upbeat ring to them and would be catchy to my audience of young girls, aged 12-14.
I really liked the name "NOW" as it has connotations of being up-to-date with the latest pop music and gossip for my audience, however, after researching for names for my masthead, I discovered there is an exitsting media product named "NOW" which is a lifestyle magazine for women aged 20-30 years old.


I have then chosen 4 names which I liked the most: "V.I.POP", "Pitch Perf", "Tunes" and "One More Time", and discussed the pros and cons of each in the PowerPoint below. I again presented the names to a group of 25, year 8 girls, in the PE class which my friend Rachael was helping out in. I asked them  which one they liked the best and majority chose "V.I.POP". I now feel confident with my name choice as I definitely know my audience can connect and like the phrase "V.I.POP".

Masthead Designs

Here is a PowerPoint presentation where I have reviewed and discussed 4 potential typographies for my magazine. I decided on my typography by thinking about which reflected my audience of stereotypical, girls, aged 12-14. I knew I wanted a fun, yet not too funky masthead, to reflect my target demographic of mainstreamers, and wanted the typography to be linked to "bubble writing" which is a font many my audience may use themselves.
To ensure I chose a typography which my audience would really connect with, I presented the 4 potential typographies to a group of 25 year 8 girls, during one of their PE lessons, which luckily my friend, Rachael, was helping out with for her community leadership.

Audience Research

Conventions Research

Here is a Prezi where I have taken an existing media product and broken it down to analyse it and identify the generic codes and conventions used when creating magazines.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Processes of Construction

Here is the evidence of my processes whilst editing my photos for my magazine. I used a range of techniques in Photoshop, demonstrated in the SlideShows below.

Second Draft

Here is the second draft of my magazine. I have started to replace the shapes with actual images and texts, however, I feel it still looks too basic and is not of a professional standard. I would like to change the front cover and take away some sell lines as I feel it looks too busy, even for a pop magazine. I'd also like to add more images as I know alot of Pop Magazines include alot of images on their front cover.
Secondly, I'd like to change the layout of my contents page as it does not leave enough room for my contents and I have only been able to write about 30/40 pages of content.

Magazine first draft

Here is a very basic outline of the layout I will use in my magazine. I have used shapes so show where images and text boxes will go, which will make it easier when it comes to constructing my magazine.

Deconstruction of Double Page Spreads

As I am including 3 double page spreads in my magazine I have taken a double page spread from 3 real magazines and deconstructed them to gain deeper understanding of the techniques used in media texts.

Deconstruction of Front Covers

Here I have taken the front covers of three well known and popular music magazine and deconstructed them for analysis, so I can understand what is needed to create a professional product.

Deconstruction of Content Pages

Here I have deconstructed three existing content pages so I can understand the codes and conventions and vital elements to include when it comes to constructing my own magazine.

Representation of Artists

Here I have researched into how artists are represented in the pop genre. Below I have created a powerpoint to collect my information, where I have also explained how pop artists are mainly represented as kind, funny and approachable.



Here I have created my questionnaire, gathered the results and analysed them.



Today I worked on my audience research and added some audience profiles to my blog through the use of Voki.


In todays lesson I updated my research and added more to my "Existing Mastheads" prezi, and added some analysis of the names of magazines.
As well as this I looked at my draft article and decided that I will change it from just questions and answers to a more aritcle form, as opposed to just an interview.
I also started drafting some headlines, subheadings and pull quotes for my magazine in Microsoft Word. I like some of them but none have really stood out to me to decide which to use on my magazine yet. I have decided to edit my article and then add more headlines, sub headings and pull quotes and they survey my target demographic again and ask them which ones they like the best. I feel that this is the most suitable way to come to a decision.





Connotations of Colour


Mood Board

Here is a slide show of photos which represent my audience of young girls, aged 12 to 14 years old, who are interested in pop music and fall into the demographic of mainstreamers. The images portray their interests, hobbies and lifestyle, whilst also portraying the connotations of happiness, innocence and fun that pop genre music represents.
I have collected a range of photographs of pop music artists such as Katy Perry, Little Mix and  One Direction, who are all very popular with my target demographic. I have noticed that all artists are seen to be smiling or pulling a silly pose, which portrays the lack of severity in the genre. As well as this, through mise-en-scene the artists are seen to be down to earth as they are clothed in normal and non-extravegant clothing. I know my target audience would like these images as they are mainstreamers and therefore are more "down-to-earth" than other target demographics such as aspirers. Complimenting this, I have used a photo of pink converse trainers, which are a popular brand with my audience. The shoes are less expensive than other brands, and at about £40 each many of my readers will own several pairs. Knowing this, I may ask my model to wear a pair of converse during my photoshoot to allow my audience to connect with the pop arist they are reading about.
I have also inluded images to portray my audience's social habits such as fashion stores, such as New Look, coffee shops, like Starbucks and beauty products, such as Barry M nail polish. At the age of 12-14 my audience are just beginning to gain their independence and are probably just starting to be allowed to go out with their friends without their parents. Because of this, their hobbies include daytime social activites such as meeting their friends in Starbucks or going shopping or to the cinema. These are all inexpensive days out which are in local and busy places where their parents would feel safe leaving them. The images also portray my secondary audience of middle classed parents, social group ABC1, aged 30-40 who have more money to spend on buying magazines for their daughter.

Image Ideas

Here is a Powerpoint of all the images which have given me inspiration for the poses I will ask my model to recreate.

Content Ideas

Here I have created some potential sell lines and descriptions for my contents page in my magazine. It is only a simple brainstorm but I feel there are some good first ideas for my magazines contents and know this brainstorm will help me when creating my magazine.


 Here I have recorded what equipment I will use during the creation of my magazine.

Sell Line Ideas

Firstly I researched front covers of exisiting pop magazines to gain inspiration for my sell lines. I noticed they all focused around the content of the magazine and reflected the target demographic of mainstreamers. I considered that my target audience are very interested in fashion, celebrity gossip, and they are at the age when they are becoming interested in boys. From this I created a number of sell lines, then asked my friends which ones they liked best. I have recorded the sell lines I will use in the video below.

Props/Costume ideas

Here is a powerpoint discussing the props and costumes I plan to use for my main model.

Chosen Images

Here is a slideshow of images which have inspired the poses which I will ask my models to do.

Promotional Methods

Here is a powerpoint where I have discussed the possible ways I could promote my product.

Model Release Forms


Evaluation Question 6

Evlauation - Question 6

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation 4

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation 2

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation 1

Final Magazine